12 fun, weird and useless facts about me and not gardening!
It’s the middle of winter and I need something fun to help distract me from the cold.
So today you’re going to learn some facts about me that maybe you didn’t need to know, but should make you smile anyway!
1. I’m the oldest of 3 kids
I have a younger sister and a younger brother. All 3 of us live in Alberta.
I’m also the oldest grandchild on both my Dad’s and Mom’s sides of the family.
2. My second toe is longer than the rest of my toes
I’ll spare you a photo, but I guess it’s called a Morton Toe. Google tells me that it’s common in about 42% of the population.
I didn’t pass on this trait to any of my kids.
3. I play the piano
I started piano lessons in grade 2 and took lessons till I was in grade 12.
I also taught myself to chord to church worship songs about 12 years ago to help out in church.
4. I have a lot of chickens
It started when we bought our first acreage. I wanted to do something farm-y. Does that make sense? It was a rough start. I lost a lot of chickens to my inexperience.
I’ve learned a lot since then and I’ve upgraded to fancy chickens and have a flock now that lay blue eggs. I think I have about 25 chickens. But I haven’t counted in a while.
5. I am a school bus driver
Me in a spare School bus
Yes, it’s true! I’m a full-time school bus driver. I got my bus license in 2017 when our youngest child was in kindergarten. That fall I got a permanent route and drove it for 3 years before we moved to where we live now.
I started back as a spare bus driver here and drove for 2 1/2 years as a spare driver and I just got a permanent bus route again!
It’s not a job I ever thought I would have, but I enjoy the flexibility it gives me to be at home and operate my greenhouse.
6. I have a crooked molar tooth
When this tooth was loose as a child it just wouldn't fall out. So we had to go to a dentist to get it pulled since the adult molar was coming in at the same time.
The dentist’s solution was for me to push on the adult molar with my thumb all the time to straighten it.
I was in grade 7, there was no way I was sticking my thumb in my mouth all the time. So now I have a crooked molar.
7. I strive to be a minimalist
In our home, I strive to live with less. If we don’t have something I make do with what we have. I’ve also been known to sell things that we don’t use.
I found minimalism about 4-5 years ago. I’m not an extremist, but in most areas of our home, we have a lot less than the average home.
8. I hated dirt as a kid
To be honest, I still don’t like to be dirty. But I love flowers so I choose to get my hands dirty.
That said, if I’ve already had a shower and am cleaned up for the day, I’ll do everything I can to get out of a task that will get me dirty again.
9. I can gleek
If you’ve never heard this word, it means I can spray saliva out from under my tongue. I can do it on command too!
It sprays a long way and grosses out my kids out all the time!
10. I don’t like mice
I’m ok if I expect to see them, or if I see them dead. But if they surprise me, I will scream.
I can suck it up and deal with it if I have to.
11. I’m impatient and usually start a project when I shouldn’t
If you ask Arlen about this he would 100% agree.
In our old house, we decided to take out a wall to start a renovation. I didn’t wait for Arlen. I took it out while he was at work.
I’m getting better at this. I’m learning to wait!
12. I would have been a good 1950s homemaker
I like to make a lot of things from scratch. I can (process) food, I bake bread, I can butcher chickens, I plant a HUGE garden and put a ton of food in our freezer every year.
I’m also not afraid of hard work. But I’m glad that I live in an age where I have a washing machine and dishwasher!
So there you have it! Do you share any of these weird facts? What weird things do you have? Just remember the days are getting longer and spring will come! So till then……
Dreaming of Gardening!
Heidi Motz